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People are the world’s most valuable resource.
So, searching for a standard of human-centricity in our workplaces is something that should be lauded. When we affix a great value upon the lives of the people we work with, we prepare the perfect conditions for our organization’s prosperity.
The responsibility of upholding the finer nuances of health and safety in the workplace comes down to management. Managers look to devise and implement protocols that protect the health of everyone working on site, including temporary visitors, delivery men, and contractors.
Any eventuality in the workplace that may increase risks to injury or health has to be anticipated and solved.
Health issues establish a necessary morality and legality to the workplace environment. They also frame a delicate economy in that context. A good manager understands that a confident individual can be far more productive than an anxious one and would want to assure their workforce that they are doing the best they can to keep everyone safe. Managers want to take an active role in these functions:
● Risk Assessment & Strategy: Undertaking initial risk assessments to then design preventive protocols that solve issues of occupational hazards, occupancy management, disease and illnesses, workspace privacy, antisocial elements, etc.
● Personalized Care: Zooming into each individual to identify their vulnerabilities to protect them and prepare for any eventuality. This should include all categories of personnel, including management itself, staff members, part-timers, contractors, delivery people, maintenance staff, and people with other specific skill sets.
● Written Policies & Regulations: Drafting policies and regulations pertaining to health and safety. This would include first aid, restricted zones, banned objects, fire safety, and health screening procedures. This written matter should be accessible to all in the workplace.
● Collaborate on Relevant Information: Regularly sharing relevant information about health and safety to all those who frequent the workplace. Update people with new occupational safety laws, vaccination drives, etc. This can be done through social media or on the company website.
● Training People: Training everyone on topics such as first aid procedures, vaccination requirements, occupational hazards, and more.
● Providing Access Control Systems: The premises should have protective barriers and access control technology to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering.
● Utilize Visitor Management Systems: Managers should implement this automated tool in the workplace. It can keep people and property safe through its unique digital interface.
A visitor authentication and management system (VAMS) is a versatile tool that allows managers to oversee numerous variables related to visitors (and any kind of person) on the premises.
The advantages are considerable:
● Oversees all Entry & Exit: It can help you identify specific risks by tracking unauthorized individuals who linger on the premises.
● Touchless Check-ins: People can be issued soft passes on their smartphones that enable a touchless, healthy entry.
● Integrates with Several Technologies: This software integrates with access control technology like electromagnetic locks, flap barriers, and turnstiles. It also integrates with useful machines like biometric readers, body temperature scanners, and facial recognition monitors for the purpose of admitting healthy people and rejecting infected people.
● Instant Health Screen Questionnaires (HSQ): Before entering, visitors are sent HSQs directly on their smartphone to uphold public health on the premises.
● Contactless Kiosks: Visitors receive QR access codes which can be scanned at self-service kiosks for entry. The process does not require them to touch any surfaces and is lightning fast.
● Contact Tracing: Tracking of visitor data allows you to enable functions like contact tracing, which is extremely important in this era.
● Instant Alerts: Visitors are instantly authenticated or rejected via SMS/emails on their devices. In case of emergencies, they are also notified instantly by hosts.
● Vaccination Check: Integration with state/city-wide vaccination apps will enable a live vaccination check on individuals entering the premises.
● Data & Analytics: A VAMS dashboard enables you to have a statistical and analytical overview of all the people in your workplace.
● Reduce Costs and Time Spent: Over time, organizations can accrue considerable costs in the manual labor required to man a reception area or doorway. Data entry over there is another tedious task when manual. All this can also be avoided via a VAMS.
Using this technology allows your organization a chance to demonstrate a strong reputation in the realm of health and safety. In the long run, this level of responsibility will impress people, and they will respect the effort taken to ensure your workplace philosophy is human-centric. When you value the lives of the people involved in your purpose, you create a sacred space. Society always respects that.
VAMS Safeguard Pvt. Ltd.
+91 22-4170-7575 [email protected]C-209/210, Mittal Commercia Premises Co. Op. Soc. Ltd., Near Mittal Estate, Andheri East, Mumbai – 400059
Suite 1902, 1212, Avenue Of the Americas, New York, NY 10036
© 2025 by VAMS GLOBAL.